
Lead the Way

AMTE is the largest professional organization devoted to the improvement of mathematics teacher education — it includes over 1,000 members supporting the preservice education and professional development of preK-16 teachers of mathematics. Members include professors, researchers, teacher-leaders, school mathematics coordinators, policy experts, graduate students, and others. »Learn More



The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) stands in solidarity with Black Americans in the face of racial injustice. We are dismayed by the inhuman and unjust treatment of Black Americans by law enforcement personnel in recent months with the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery.  We acknowledge the inequities that the pandemic has illuminated related to health care, economic standing, and education. As an organization, AMTE believes that racism must be interrogated in this country. We cannot look at what is happening to Black Americans and other oppressed groups as problems that they alone need to solve.

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A list of resources specifically related to our work as mathematics teacher educators is available on the AMTE Member Bulletin Board. We invite others to submit additional resources to this site to be shared with our mathematics education community. 



The Karen King Excellence in Advocacy Award is intended to recognize a colleague for a unique contribution in advocacy that has made a significant and lasting contribution to mathematics teacher education, directly and indirectly. We define advocacy as the process of publicly supporting ideas or plans and/or influencing decisions. The nominee must have demonstrated commitment to advocacy in mathematics teacher education through one or more of the following:

Levels: individual, community, organization, or political work.

Outlets: conference, media, legislation, community outreach and organization, publications, etc.

We acknowledge there are a variety of actions that may constitute advocacy as people work in service of more equitable societal outcomes.

The deadline for nominations is September 1, 2023.

Nomination Form   Learn More


The AMTE Board of Directors is seeking applications for the next Vice President for Publications.

AMTE leadership consists of five divisions, which house committees that carry out the work of AMTE. Each division has a Vice President (VP) that coordinates and oversees the work of the committees and ensures that the division’s work is advancing the priorities of the organization.  VPs serve a three-year term, meet monthly as a part of the Board of Directors meetings, and meet regularly with the Associate Vice Presidents that lead work within the divisions. In 2023, we will be welcoming a new Vice President for the Division of Publications.

Candidates for the VP position must be an AMTE member in good standing for at least three years and have a record of attendance at the annual conference. Minimum and preferred qualifications as well as details about responsibilities are given in the job description.

Application Deadline: August 15, 2023




As campuses across the country are switching to online instruction due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we want to let you know that AMTE is working to figure out how to support MTEs in this process. Below are some ways to both access and share resources related to online teaching that you might find helpful.

  • AMTE Facebook Page: Members have already begun to share online resources on our FB page. We invite you to share additional resources that you have available! 
  • Twitter: Resources can also be shared via our Twitter account. @AMTENews 
  • Member Bulletin Board: The AMTE Website includes a Member Bulletin Board that is available to AMTE members (with login).
  • 安卓ssr官网: Videos submitted and reviewed by colleagues to help you with engaging and effective online mathematics education.
  • March 17 and 18 AMTE Webinar Videos:
    • Synchronous Online Instruction
    • Asynchronous Online Instruction

We invite members to share additional resources that they have available. 

We hope that you find these resources useful in supporting your work! We will update you as additional resources become available.


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Read the Standards More Info Buy the Book


Timely, important updates for mathematics teacher educators.

Summer 2023

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Susan Swars Auslander, Connections Editor


Read the latest issue of Mathematics Teacher Educator, a scholarly journal co-published by AMTE and NCTM.

View Issue About MTE


The SGreen浏览器下载-SGreen浏览器破解版下载-华军软件园:2021-1-4 · SGreen浏览器遍布全球12个国家,可访问Google、YouTube、Facebook、Twitter等各种热门网站,提供超极速、安全、流畅的网页浏览服务。华军软件园为您提供SGreen浏览器最新版下载。 accompanies the Mathematics Teacher Educator Journal and is co-sponsored by the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE Journal)

CITE-M, a peer-reviewed journal sponsored jointly by AMTE and other organizations, features Just What Online Resources Are Elementary Mathematics Teachers Using?, by Emily J. Shapiro, Amanda G. Sawyer, Lara K. Dick & Tabitha Wismer.


Conversations with math teacher educators stepping into the role of teaching math teachers

Listen Now

Member Bulletins

  • Research and Development Project - Online Video Expert for Fractions - Repository Creation Survey
  • Experiencing disruptions to your elementary mathematics or science methods courses due to COVID-19? We may be able to help!
  • Free Access to Developing Quality in Mathematics Education - A European Network
  • Resources related to Equitable and Social Justice Pedagogy
  • Online Math Resources


  • Webinar: Learning to Teach Mathematics in the Midst of a Pandemic: Voices of Stakeholders
  • Webinar: Bringing together both community and STEM connections in PSTs’ mathematics teaching
  • Asynchronous Online Instruction—Special Two-Part Webinar
  • Synchronous Online Instruction—Special Two-Part Webinar
  • [Webinar] Designing and Implementing Equitable K-14 Mathematics Pathways

Tech Talk

  • Call for Submissions to the new AMTE Tech Talk Blog
  • Influencing the Influencers
  • Cubetto
  • Algebra Apps
  • Using Lesson Sketch with Pre-Service and Inservice Teachers

Job Postings

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  • Middle School Math Teacher, Battle Creek Public Schools
  • Flex Algebra 2 Instructor Florida Certified, Florida Virtual School
  • Flex Algebra 1 Instructor (EOC Experience Required) Florida Certified, Florida Virtual School
  • 808/0620C - Lecturer in Secondary Mathematics, The University of Sydney


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